Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Формула успеха

Завтра ищешь в интернете книжку Dive into python. Не страшно, если ничего не поймешь. Затем идешь на python.org и изучаешь стандартную библиотеку, от корки до корки. Потом зубришь, именно вызубриваешь конвенцию по написанию питоньего кода — PEP8, чтобы от зубов отскакивало. Когда напишешь свою первую имиджборду, по пути изучив верстку на html+css, скачиваешь и изучаешь любой python асинхронный вебсервер, рекомендую Tornado или Gevent. Как переделаешь имиджборду, чтобы выдавала по крайней мере 5 тысяч запросов в секунду, можешь идти дальше — тебя ждет увлекательный мир highload. Apache Hadoop, сверхбыстрые асинхронные key–value хранилища, MapReduce. Отсос хиккующих нердов / просто неудачников типа рейфага или сисярп/джава–разработчиков,  и уже через пол года ты будешь получать такие суммы, что любая баба будет течь при одном упоминании твоей зарплаты.

Code refactoring

Friday, February 1, 2013

Tank full of shit

When you try to do something, to change something - you put yourself in unstable tank full of shit. And this shit is smeared your face, your mouth, your hands, your nose and ears. However, you've never die from that act. But when you've try to escape from that tank full of shit - you shift it stable center - and at that point all feces drop on you and you completely sink in that mess. 

Neal Stephenson – Cryptonomicon

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Cryptonomicon is a 1999 novel by American author Neal Stephenson. The novel follows the exploits of two groups of people in two different time periods, presented in alternating chapters. The first group is World War II-era Allied codebreakers and tactical-deception operatives affiliated with the Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park, as well as disillusioned Axis military and intelligence figures whom they encounter. The second narrative is set in the late 1990s with descendants of the first narrative's characters employing cryptologic, telecom and computer technology to build an underground data haven in the fictional Sultanate of Kinakuta. Their goal is to facilitate anonymous Internet banking using electronic money and (later) digital gold currency, with a longer range objective to distribute Holocaust Education and Avoidance Pod (HEAP) media for instructing genocide-target populations on defensive warfare.

Friday post

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Just look on the cross

Football February

Ender's Game

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Ender's Game (1985) is a science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card. Set in Earth's future, the novel presents an imperiled humankind who have barely survived two conflicts with the Formics (an insectoid alien species; normally called "Buggers" by most of the population). These aliens show an ant-like group behavior, and are very protective of their leader, much like Earth ants protecting their queen. In preparation for an anticipated third invasion, an international fleet maintains a school to find and train future fleet commanders. The world's most talented children, including the novel's protagonist, Ender Wiggin, are taken at a very young age to a training center known as the Battle School. There, teachers train them in the arts of war through increasingly difficult games including ones undertaken in zero gravity in the Battle Room, where Ender's tactical genius is revealed.